In the diagnosis and treatment of headaches, it is important to identify the type of headache or even the ways in which the patient suffers. The most common headaches are divided into two groups – primary and secondary headaches.
Persistent headache as the main symptom, the origin of which is not related to health disorders or specific diseases. They tend to be very distressing with a tendency to recur relatively often and regularly, but are not life-threatening.
The most common primary headaches are migraine and tension headaches.
Migraine is a disease characterized by excruciating headache attacks, which often do not respond to conventional painkillers and last on average from 4 to even 72 hours. Migraine attacks can affect anyone, more often women and young people. Migraines affect an average of 13% of the world's population, with 4-12% children suffering from migraines.
However, the mechanism of tension headaches has not been fully elucidated, it is considered to be multifactorial. Excessive tension, stress and fatigue are the main causes of tension headaches. They are contributed not only by emotional, but also physical factors – fatigue, incorrect posture, prolonged sitting at the computer. They may be due to muscle tension in the head.
A symptom that is most often caused by a serious illness that requires immediate, serious medical attention. Symptomatic headaches tend to be more life-threatening than primary headaches, but symptomatic headaches can be prevented if the cause is identified.
It is important that headaches are properly diagnosed, as the symptoms are often the same, both those that indicate a serious illness and those that are not life-threatening.