Symptomatic, also known as secondary headaches, tend to be more life-threatening than primary headaches, but symptomatic headaches can be prevented if the cause is determined. There are many different causes of secondary headaches:
Diseases of various organs in head: eyes, ears, teeth, sinuses, tonsils, tongue, scalp, head muscles - everything in the head, except the brain. Many people experience intolerable ear and tooth pain when headaches are just one of the symptoms. Often headaches are caused by inflammation of the sinuses.
Infectious diseases. For example, flu or colds, including encephalitis and meningitis, etc. infectious diseases.
Metabolic disorders: thyroid diseases, other diseases of the endocrine glands.
Cardiovascular diseases. Various heart conditions that interfere with blood circulation in the heart and brain, such as stroke or bruising. Headaches can be combined with paralysis, sensory or speech problems.
High or low blood pressure. The pain is mostly localized in the occipital region. They can be smooth or pulsating.
Trigeminal neuralgia. The nerve provides sensation in the face, head and its fibers are also located in the roots of the teeth, meninges, so in case of inflammation, illness or injury, severe pain occurs. This pain is strong, firing, just like with electricity.
Drug-induced headaches. Headaches are associated with the use or withdrawal of medication. This group also includes alcohol, its use and hangovers. The annotations of many medications state that they can cause headaches, so their use should always be approached critically, and the benefits and harms should be evaluated.
Smoking marijuana. It can cause brain damage, causing headaches or even psychosis.
Mental illness. For example, depression, anxiety, neurosis.