Clinical psychologist

Clinical psychologist

Clinical psychologists may consult only adult clients or may additionally specialise in child development and family dynamics.

At the Vivendi Health Center we offer:

  1.  Individual counselling for adults to help understand and deal with various psychological, emotional or behavioural problems, as well as to discover and develop inner resources.
  2.  Individual counselling for parents on child development, parenting, positive parenting skills and how to change negative parenting habits (e.g. temper tantrums).
  3.  Comprehensive support for families with a child with behavioural or emotional problems.

An integrated approach is used to provide support to a person with behavioural or emotional difficulties. Based on the psychodiagnostic test results, the clinical psychologist develops and comes to an agreement with the client on an individual treatment plan according to the client's needs.

The therapy plan clearly defines the aim of the therapy, the type of help to be provided and the expected outcome. During treatment, the therapy plan may be adjusted depending on how the therapy is progressing. The therapeutic treatment plan may include individual counselling for children, young people, adults, parents or the whole family. If necessary, other specialists will be involved, such as a psychiatrist, a narcologist, etc.

In which situations can this specialist help?

Clinical psychologists can help adults if they have:

  •  Intense fear, anxiety, restlessness
  •  Insomnia
  •  "Burnout" syndrome
  •  Vegetative dystonia
  •  Depression and loss of interest
  •  Traumatic experiences
  •  Depressive thoughts and feelings
  •  Inability to cope with the loss of a loved one
  •  Self-confidence
  •  Difficult relationships with others (conflicts, divorce, loneliness, violence, etc.)

To sign up for appointments, classes or programs at the health center "Vivendi", please use the electronic application form!

After making an appointment, the reception staff will contact you within 12 hours of receiving your application by sending an e-mail or calling the telephone number provided to confirm your preferred time for a visit to the chosen specialist.

Registration without confirmation by phone or email is not valid!

If you want to refuse or transfer the appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the unvisited service in the amount of 50%.

Make an appointment

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