Dr. Davis Edgars Liepa


Dr. Davis Edgars Liepa

Resident in psychotherapy, psychosomatic medicine

Both in the study process in the clinical hospitals of the university, as well as working in the Riga Psychiatry and Narcology Center, I have strengthened my belief in the broad impact of mental health on human health. Psychotherapy includes a safe environment and therapeutic relationships to learn about and help with psycho-emotional difficulties.

Within the framework of my studies, I developed a scientific paper on the manifestation of distress in children and adolescents through behavior, as well as currently involved in projects related to the education of children and adolescents in mental health issues.

I advise teenagers and adults and use psychodynamic support psychotherapy methods in my work.

"A productive and fulfilling life is characterized by an effort to strike a balance between three areas: work, love and play." - Eric Ericson.


University of Latvia, residency in psychodynamic psychotherapy, from 2020 until now

Riga Stradins University, doctor's degree - obtained in 2020

Membership in associations

Promoting member of the Latvian Association of Psychotherapists

Language skills

Latvian and English

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