Clinical psychologist
Specializing in work with adult addicts, helping to start and continue recovery after starting treatment, or together with the client we are looking for a possible solution to problematic activities – the use of psychoactive substances, gambling, playing computer games, etc. Providing support to the relatives of addicts who are at a dead end between helping the addict and running out of power, anger, fear, guilt, shame and helplessness.
Also provide support to clients with various types of psychological difficulties – depression, anxiety, eating disorders, long-term grief, difficulties in building and maintaining relationships, violence and traumatic experiences, the consequences of which make it difficult to live a full life.
In the work I create an individual approach to each client, based on cognitive-behavioral techniques and guidelines of existential and analytical psychology.
Baltic Center for Psychoorganic Analysis – basic level in psychoorganic analysis 2019 – present
LU professional master's study program "Psychology", Professional master's degree in psychology, with specialization in Clinical Psychology, 2014–2016
International School of Practical Psychology (IHSPP). Faculty of Psychology, Bachelor's degree in psychology, qualification obtained - Professional psychologist, 2002–2006
Multidimensional structured personality test "Latvian Personality Survey (LPA-v3): user training", 2014
"Emotional upbringing of children", the right to lead a parental training program, 2015
Neurovegetarian therapy. Practical and theoretical aspects of V. Raih's concept of muscle armor, 2018
Protection of Children's Rights, 2019
Psychological assessment with the Latvian Clinical Personality Test for Adults (LCCP). The right to use the test in the research process, 2019
Therapeutic techniques and tools in work with children victims of violence. The right to provide rehabilitation for children victims of violence, 2019
Behavioral design – promoting regular activity in depression and loneliness. CBT method in work with depression, 2020
University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art
I teach the subject "Addiction Psychology" to Master's students of Psychology, 2020 – present
VSAC Zemgale, branch "Ziedkalne", 2020
VSIA "Hospital" Ģintermuiža"" Minnesota program, Narcological rehabilitation, 2007–2019
Jelgava 3rd Primary School, 2006–2007
Latvian and Russian