Burnout syndrome

Burnout syndrome

When on your daily run difficulties to distinct work and leisure only increase, overload arises – long-term stress begins to appear, which increases the risk of burnout syndrome. Often responsible and intense work, high sense of responsibility in the areas of work, perfectionism, emotional exhaustion and high working standards create a situation where, contrary to preferred – concentration is reduced and body signals against such manifestations of stress with mentally suppressive disorders, and physical discomfort.

Burnout syndrome is explained as human psycho-emotional and physical condition, which results in a complete exhaustion of mental and physical abilities. Often the trigger is too high requirements to the person itself, low self-control and high standards of work, which can no longer be with reached over time, thus causing not only mental fatigue, but also threaten the physical health, increasing cardiovascular and other disease risks.

Unfortunately, in reality is the desire to make more and better overburdening oneself creates the opposite effect - the loss of quality of work and creativity and daily operations are accompanied by an inefficient use of time.
In parallel to career, also the quality of private life deteriorates and personality changes – worsening relations with colleagues, relatives, friends and loved ones, which leads to social decline and pose a serious risk of depression. A person suffering from burnout syndrome may experience a sense of anxiety, aggression occurs, intolerance, lack of interest, have thoughts of suicide.

In order to restore the health and wellness, it is important to find the reason of burnout syndrome. To protect oneself from disease, it is necessary to ensure a good rest, find hobbies or interests that are not related to work. To feel good about yourself and your body also need physical exercises, a balanced diet and wholesome sleep on a daily basis, as well as the balance between work and rest.

Quite often burnout syndrome risk group includes persons who suffer from inferiority, a feeling of insecurity and low self-esteem, resulting in a desire to compensate these feelings with work, as well as taking more and more responsibilities.

Also people of creative professions are not protected from burnout syndrome, "assistive" professions - doctors, social workers, service sector employees, as well as the professions, which are characterized by increased job stress conditions.

Signs of burnout syndrome:

  • Long-term fatigue
  • Lack of motivation
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Perception problems
  • Loss of work capability
  • Loss of communication capability
  • Lost desire to take care of oneself
  • Overload of work - constant thoughts about work
  • Lack of interest
  • Fickle, often listless mood
  • Difficulty to concentrate
  • Sleep disorders.

Burnout syndrome somatic symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches, dizziness, neck and shoulder muscle tension
  • Back pain, weight fluctuations, development of stomach ulcers, heart palpitations
  • Increase in blood pressure, itchy skin
  • There is an increased risk for oncological diseases to develop.

If attempts to restore the well-being by yourself fail, VIVENDI experts are ready to provide a help; working together in teams, they apply the necessary treatment to prevent burnout syndrome caused by health problems.

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If you want to refuse or transfer the appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the unvisited service in the amount of 50%.

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