Vegetative dystonia

Vegetative dystonia

Vegetative dystonia or somatic vegetative dysfunction (SVD) is a disorder of functions and senses of the body, while organic and medically explanation of reasons for this disorder is not yet found. Person has symptoms like a physical illness (such as wheezing, chest pain, sweating, dizziness), but during clinical investigations it is impossible to determine the physical cause of the symptoms.

Functions of the body and internal organs are regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which operates independently of deliberate human control.

Autonomic nervous system can be divided into two parts:

  • Sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for active work. Metaphorically, it could be described as the body's preparation for the fight, attack or escape. Sympathetic nervous system by activation, accelerates the heart rate, strains the muscles and increases their power, expands the eye pupil, accelerates the metabolic processes, reduces the secretion of digestive juices, extends the airways or bronchi. Sympathetic nervous system increasingly operates if a person is suffering from anxiety and tension.
  • Parasympathetic nervous system prepares the body for peace and relaxation. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system slows the heart rate, breathing, narrows the airways, reduces muscle tension and strength, the eye pupil constricts, increases the secretion of digestive juices.

Emotions affect the autonomic nervous system and adapt it for human needs. For example, in the face of fear the sympathetic nervous system activates, but in the face of well-being, the parasympathetic nervous system dominates. Different emotions are normal and healthy phenomenon. However, if a person is constantly experiencing burnout or prolonged stress, the body spends all its strength to withstand the load and stress.

Emotions are unable to be recycled and adapted. The body starts "survival mode" and it starts a whole series of chemical reactions - heart rate speed up, a greater amount of stress hormones is secreted in the blood, chemical glycogen is released in liver, which later turns into glucose and provides the body with energy, breathing becomes more rapid, so the lungs are supplied with more oxygen, muscles become more tense, ready to the physical activity, if there is such need, sweating is reinforced to cool the body in case if physical activity is actually realized. In case of stress and overload, sympathetic nervous system is overloaded. Autonomic nervous system balance is disturbed, causing a variety of unpleasant symptoms.

The most common symptoms are palpitations, sweating, and shortness of breath, wheezing, tremor, hiccups, cough, abdominal distension, diarrhea or frequent urination. In some cases, it may be pain of various body parts and organs and the severity or tightness in the body. SVD is accompanied by clear symptoms of anxiety, helplessness, fear, often even panic attacks. A person is concerned about his health; think he might have become ill with a physical illness. Usually, people themselves actively and repeatedly look for doctors help and perform a variety of tests. However, the test results do not confirm the suspicion of physical illness.

If a person has a complaint about his physical health, first, the tests must be carried out to ascertain whether health disorders are associated with any physical illness. If tests show the physical pathology and the doctor confirms that the patient does not have any organic change by which the current symptoms could be explained, possibly problems are associated with autonomic nervous system dysfunction. This diagnosis can be confirmed best and more information given by a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions - a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy is an effective method in reducing symptoms of somatoform vegetative dysfunction. Sometimes, medication (antidepressants, sedatives or hypnotics) has to be taken in addition. Your doctor may also recommend practicing some relaxation exercises to help balance the daily treatment to reduce the emotional load.

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